"The Flog"

The Flog "Fleming's Blog" is a space designed for the wisdom and wonderings of a 13 year educator on a mission to pursue life long learning through a commitment to technology immersion.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Strengthening My Practice with a GAME Plan

It is important not just for students who are the future workforce of the world, but also for those who educate these students to be life long learners committed to strengthening their own abilities in order to be of service.  There are several of the ISTE standards that I found myself gravitating towards, but the standard that I believe could have the most tremendous impact on my teaching practice immediately is the first.  Facilitating and inspiring student learning and creativity should be second nature to most teachers, but as technology evolves teachers should be working to enhance their practice to meet the needs of student in a technology-rich environment. 
The two indicators I have selected to focus directly on for my GAME plan is standard 1b “engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources” and standard 1c “promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes” (ISTE, 2008).  Since I have been teaching English Literature in a very traditional manner for the majority of my tenure, it is important that explore the ways in which topics and themes discussed in the literature can be contextualized to allow students to tackle real world problems and produce opportunities for reflection and collaboration using technology.
There are many actions and avenues to reaching the goals I have set for enhancing my technology instruction.  In order to collect a variety of ideas for engaging my students in real-world problems connected to the literature we are reading, I can first conduct a search using the Internet to seek out both project-based learning ideas and WebQuests already developed in conjunction with the literature I am working with throughout the course of the school year.  Once I have exhausted by search using web search tools, I can consult professional websites such as National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) linked to my discipline to see if their archives reveal ideas for real-world connections.  Finally, I could search teacher blogs or lesson plan websites such as Teachers Pay Teachers to explore ideas in connection to my goal.
 In regards to my goal for promoting student reflection and collaboration tools, I plan to first explore the technology tools I am already familiar with and extend my understanding of these tools and their capacity for collaboration.  For example, our school uses Turnitin.com for writing submissions, and I remember seeing a “Discussion” tab that appears to be a collaborative tool that I have never explored.  I also remember Turnitin.com offering an option for teachers to create a reflection paper as a follow-up to previously submitted assignments but have never endeavored to fully understand this features potential.  Next, I will to learn strategies for establishing a framework or protocol for reflection and collaboration including such things as routines, rubrics, policies, and protocols.  With this need established, I will also search professional websites, the Internet, and commercial educator websites for tools and ideas for utilizing technology to establish these frameworks. 
Monitoring my progress with reaching the two goals I have set for myself could be an arduous task because I will be encountering such vast amounts of information and potential tools.  I will need to develop a system for tracking both the progress towards my goals and organizing both the information and the sources of the information.  I could easily develop a table or spreadsheet that contains essential questions, headings, and subheadings that address each one of the goals and its components in relation to my content.  Any time I find information or a new questions arises, I could import data or alter the table/spreadsheet to accommodate the new data.  Additionally, I am notorious for finding excellent resources online but failing to record my sources so that I can return to the content I have found in an expeditious manner.  I will use bookmarking tools available through my web browser to monitor my sources and mark them for further use and reference. 
Evaluation of my learning is perhaps the most important task in the GAME plan because it allows for a clear understanding of the progress I have made and the areas in which I will need to continue development. The best tool for measuring my progress would be to return to the table/spreadsheet previously mentioned to notice any gaps.  Additionally, I could dissect the standard and indicators I have chosen to really judge which aspects I have reached and which areas I could use further development.  With standard 1c, I should really be sure that I have tackled all aspects instead of globally addressing the standard. For example, have I focused more on collaborative tools for conceptual understanding and not quite given enough focus to collaborative tools use for the creative process?  Producing a written reflection will allow for me to thoroughly relay my thoughts regarding the evaluation of my learning and potential serve to help others who are attempting to strengthen their teaching practice in similar ways.  Publishing my reflection on my blog will allow the knowledge and skills I have learned to be transferred and accessible to other educators.


Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use:      A Standards Based Approach (Laureate Education, Inc. ed.). Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning.

Standards for Teachers. (2008). Retrieved July 8, 2015, from http://www.iste.org/standards/ISTE-           standards/standards-for-teachers


  1. It is great how you will apply your new knowledge and implementation with English Literature in order for your students to reflect and collaborate. I believe that having a GAME plan for students will be effective when teachers have a GAME plan of their own. National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S) serves as a way for teachers to assess their own technology skills because teachers must model the student standards (Cennamo, Ross & Ertmer, 2009). Your action plan to search teacher blogs and lesson plan websites will expand your learning by implementing effective lessons that have had already been practiced in a classroom. I believe your GAME plan is well planned and will be effective.

  2. Dina, you are completely correct when you said that teachers also need to be lifelong learners, especially when we are in charge of leading students to new knowledge and encouraging them to become lifelong learners themselves. You have chosen two really good indicators to use in order to improve your teaching practices. I love bringing in real-world issues into my classroom. Teaching social studies, I believe it is important that I bring current issues and connect them to those of the past. I think the actions you are planning to take in order to meet this goal is really good, especially utilizing the NCTE. Don’t overlook the advice or support of your peers. Discuss with your other literature teachers of those inside your school and within your district. Perhaps, you could form a group of these teachers and create a professional learning community.

    You mentioned that you plan on using a bookmarking tool to organize online resources. If you are not familiar with them, I want to recommend Diigo. You can highlight, bookmark, and add sticky notes to websites and saves them in your library. My personal favorite tool is the snapshot tool.

    Nice Plan!
    Christine Horn

  3. Dina,

    I agree that today especially with the ever-changing nature of technology it is most important for educators to see themselves as life-long learners. In order to stay current within this digital age we must continually be learners ourselves!
    I think your plan of incorporating more technology into your classroom instruction is a sound one. In order to understand and become proficient in a new learning one must use it. This tenet holds true for students as well as adults and educators.
    Journaling is also a wonderful way to keep a record of your technology research, a traditional pen and notebook journal or an online journal that would allow you to copy and paste text and links into your digital journal for future reference could both benefit you as you search for and find sites to explore.
    I am a lot like you in that I find many neat ideas and sites that I want to explore and spend more time with before I would ever consider introducing to my students. I also need to make it a priority to spend a scheduled amount of time each week in order to complete my explorations so that I can then move on to the next phase of exploring my findings with my students in the classroom.

    Beth Keiser
    9th - 12th Visual Arts

  4. Hello Dina,
    Your blog is great!!!
    As I shared with Beth, my district got on board with the digital renaissance. AlI students were given a piece of technology. With that came strict policy for students and teachers. Planning is definitely the key. Our guidelines are listed below. This may or may not help you. Even though we were required to make these changes, they were hard but I am now thankful.
    Students must not just use the technology to view taught information but instead they must:
    • Search for new information on a specific topic
    • Must have their expectations posted on a class rubric as well as a student rubric
    • Must work in collaborative groups at least 50% of the time
    • Must be graded on the use of technology
    • Must be graded on following board technology rules
    • Must have at least 3 technology grade per semester per subject

  5. Dina,

    I agree with your statement that it is not only the students who need to be taught with technology, but educators also need to broaden their horizons with understanding how to use it. Our students are so interested in technology that it is inevitable for us to implement it into our classes.
    You picked standard 1 of the ISTE which I believe is a critical standard for our students because they need to see the connection. Our kids are more likely to be engaged with the content if they are able to see how it is used in today's world. This is a struggle a lot of the times, and if we can use technology to make it easier for them, then this is what we will have to conquer.
    As for reaching your goal, I like that you stated how you will first look further into the technology that you are familiar with. I think this is a great start. If you can perfect the modes of tech that you already use, then you will be more confident in implementing further with different technologies. I agree with what you said about monitoring; I also think that this will be a struggle, however, I believe that you will get through it.

    Thanks for the post!
